Mitraclip Versus Medical Therapy or Surgery in Patients With Mitral Regurgitation: Long-Term Outcomes Determined by the Reconstruction of Individual Patient Data
Andrea Messori, Valeria Fadda, Melania Rivano, Sabrina Trippoli
Analisi statistiche e metanalisi
Impact Factor
Although MitraClip has been studied in numerous trials, its evidence in the long term is based on a few original studies. We used an original technique of evidence synthesis to review long-term comparative trials evaluating MitraClip.
We searched the PubMed database to select long-term comparative trials of MitraClip. The endpoint was all-cause mortality (minimum follow-up, one year). Included trials were analyzed using the IPDfromKM (reconstruct Individual Patient Data from published Kaplan-Meier survival curves) method to reconstruct individual patient data from Kaplan-Meier curves. Standard survival statistics were used to interpret these long-term efficacy data. The survival benefit per patient was estimated from the restricted mean survival time (RMST).
Six comparative studies of MitraClip were included; 973 patients were treated with MitraClip (six arms), 717 with medical therapy (five arms), and 80 with surgical repair or replacement (one arm). In our main analysis, the outcomes observed in patients treated with MitraClip were significantly better than those of medical therapy (hazard ratio for all-cause mortality, 0.5276; 95% confidence interval, 0.4412 to 0.6309; p < 0.001); the number of patients treated with surgery was too small to make reliable comparisons. Median survival was 30.4 months for medical therapy versus not reached for the other two groups. RMST was 43.931 and 33.756 months for MitraClip and controls, respectively, yielding a gain per patient of 10.17 months (95% confidence interval, 7.47 to 12.88).
In our simplified cost-effectiveness evaluation, a gain of approximately 10 months per patient compared favorably with the device cost. Our analysis provided an original interpretation of the long-term evidence available on MitraClip.
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